Macaroni and cheese here (thanks, kids).
Here’s what’s in store:
🎬️ Behind the scenes
💡 1 Insight
⛰️ 1 Challenge
🧠 1 piece of inspiration
🙈 In case you missed it
💁 How I can help
🎬️ Behind the scenes
➼ We were traveling much of last week in Granada and Córdoba. Despite most of us catching Covid, we had a great time.
➼ On the drive there I listened to this Andrew Huberman podcast about this therapeutic journaling protocol. I have been doing that - I’m currently on my second batch/topic. It’s been amazing.
➼ I listened to This Is Marketing (Seth Godin) on the way back. So good.
➼ I discovered André Chaperon and went down a deep rabbit hole into his content about worldbuilding. I highly recommend reading his manifesto.
➼ André’s content has gotten me thinking a lot about the direction of my business, and how I approach it. So I’ve been working on my list of values that I want to guide it, which has been a fun exercise. More on that soon.
➼ Brought on the first handful of beta testers for a project I’m part of related to building waiting lists and leaderboards. Hit me up if you’re interested in checking it out.
➼ I was on the Founders Podcast last week. Watch here, or listen here.
➼ I was included in another IndieHackers roundtable titled: The “how” (and “if”) of monetizing a newsletter.
💡 Insight
Today, I’m flipping things around.
I’m looking for insights from you; insights into how I can help you, your biggest challenges, and a request to get to know more of you.
Please watch this:
You won’t let me down, will you? 😉
⛰️ Challenge of the week
The challenge this week is in the video above.
TLDR; Reply and let me know your current challenges. I want to get to know you, and how I can help you. I reply to every email.
🧠 Inspiration
How do you grow from $10k/MRR to $60k/MRR?
3 ways:
- Affiliates
- Resellers
- Transitioning form one-to-one to one-to-manyThis is the exact approach one founder took and got to $60k/MRR.
Here's the story:
What do you think are the best ways to come up with viable business ideas?
Or what interesting ways have you heard others using?
🙈 In case you missed it
The last couple of issues, in case you missed them:
9 criteria for selecting your best SaaS idea
You don’t need to validate your idea
💁 When you’re ready, here’s how I can help
1:1 Coaching via chat: For just $49/mo you can connect with me privately in Discord and get help from me along the way, whether it’s about brainstorming ideas, figuring out if you’re on the right track, determining your next steps, going to market, or scaling.
1:1 Clarity call: Wherever you are on your bootstrapping journey, chances are I've been there. I know the struggles and challenges and am here to help through a 1:1 clarity call.
Aware: Aware started an early Black Friday deal for 50% off annual plans. If you’re looking to step up your audience-building game on LinkedIn, this is a great time to make this investment in your audience growth.
Tools and resources: A complete list of the tools and resources I use to run my business, and some books that have helped me along the way.

Last but not least, get a free product promotion: Refer this newsletter to 3 people, and I’ll mention your product in an upcoming newsletter to my thousands of readers.
The easiest way to do that?
Copy and paste your unique ‘share’ URL below, and post a nice tweet about this newsletter with that link. 😀
P.S. How did you like today's newsletter?
Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Did you reply yet? I’m waiting, and I’ll reply back soon.